


Thank you Jones Community!

Happy Last Day of School!

It’s the last day of school and that means 8th grade graduation, 6th grade party and happy kids exiting the building for summer break. It also means my final letter as president for the Jones PTO 2015-16 school year…..It could not have been a more rewarding, fun and successful year!

We have outstanding PTO members who have been working hard all year and will continue to do so throughout the summer and next year. Our School Supply Sale Chairs and Committee have been working hard these past few months….

PLEASE SUPPORT JMS AND PURCHASE YOUR PRE-PACKAGED SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOW!!! We have made the process fun, easy and efficient (we said goodbye to Paypal and are now using Wufoo!!). Please click http://jonespto.com/school-supply-sale-aug-9-10/ to order!

Supply sale dates are August 9th and 10th (with laptop distribution). Please visit jonespto.com for updates throughout the summer!

Thank you to everyone in the Jones Community ~ our families, students, teachers, staff, Principal Mr. Fine, Assistant Principal Mrs. Yockey and Jodi Mague for your AWESOME SUPPORT!

I wish everyone much summer bliss and success next year!!

Aimee White
