


Artists in the Schools – The Reveal

The artwork is hung in the cafeteria.

The artwork is hung in the cafeteria.

Keeping in line with Upper Arlington High School’s dedication to innovative projects that enhance the academic lives of the student body, the PTO partnered with artist Dana Harper to develop a workshop for students to build community through the creation and physical presence of a hanging installation. Inspired by a past work of hers titled, “Bloom Bloom” and made of chicken wire and construction flagging tape, the work is suspended from the ceiling. Rolls of chicken wire are cut into various widths and lengths. These sections of chicken wire are covered with flagging tape that range from 6” to 1’ in length, each piece being tied to the vertical pieces on each chicken wire hexagon. This process leaves the strips of chicken wire resembling fur, hair or a fuzzy rug.  After these pieces of chicken wire are fully covered they are reassembled with zip ties and hung horizontally. The undulating chicken wire frame is covered in thousands of tassels.

The final reveal, looking up at the ceiling.

The final reveal, looking up at the ceiling.

Setting up several stations within the art room to tie flagging tape to the chicken wire, students were welcome to come and leave as their schedule permitted. Becoming apart of this creative process gave students an insight into real-life art practices.  As students sat and gathered together, the project became a reflection of the art community. We have become accustomed to imagining artists as singular beings, who sit alone in their studios creating their masterwork. But contemporary practices are not this way; Dana’s studio has always been connected to another artist’s working space. Art is not created in solitude but amongst friends and success is rarely achieved alone.

Thank you to Dana and all the students who participated!
