


Open PTO Positions!

Want to get more involved at Greensview? Please consider volunteering to chair one of the
open committee positions for the 2020-2021 school year. Below is a list and description of the
open positions.

Dad’s club Co-Chair– work with your co-chair and other Greensview Dads when needed for
school projects such as grounds beautification
Multicultural Night/DEI co-Chair– Work with your co-chair and your subcommittee to arrange
programs that promote diversity, equality and inclusion at Greensview
PTO Website Co-Chair– Work with your co-chair to include PTO information in the PTO website
along with modifying the website design if needed
UA Online Academy Liason– NEW POSITION. Chair serves as a liason between Greensview
families participating in the UA online academy and the Greensview PTO. The chair would help
advise other PTO chairs on ways to help PTO events be more inclusive of online academy
students and families

If you are interested or want to learn more about any of the above positions, please contact
Andrea Richey or Kalpana Bicknell at [email protected].
