


PTO Thanks You

The annual UAHS PTO Fundraiser was a huge success!

CeleBEARty Wait Night brought in almost $15,000, thanks for all of you who attended, donated and/or sponsored the event.
We hope you had a great evening and were as impressed with our student “celebrities” as we were.
Student servers represented sports teams, Bear Den, Speech & Debate, Interact Club, Vocal Music, Orchestra, etc.
We enjoyed a beautiful performance by a strings group at the 5:30pm seating, and a fabulous alma mater performance by the vocal music section leaders at the 7:30pm seating.
Both were so impressive and showcased the talent we have at UAHS!
We originally didn’t want to disturb your fun and social dinner with more announcements, but next year we plan on having the students pass the mic and introduce themselves and the organization they represent so everyone can see the variety of “celebrities” we have in our midst.
* If you have any other suggestions to make next year’s event more successful or enjoyable, please email me:  [email protected].  We would love your input and hope all of you plan to attend the event again next year!
Enjoy your Spring Break week and thanks again for your help in making CeleBEARty Wait Night 2019 a success!
Leah Sneed & Melora Meyer
CWN Co-Chairs 2019
