


Does your company have a print shop? If so, we need your help!

The PTO is currently looking for a corporate print shop or independent printer that would be willing to, on a one-time or on-going basis, print things for the PTO as an in-kind donation or at a reduced cost.  This would include items such as the school directory and the Informal Affair program.  Many corporate print shops will do this for charitable organizations upon employee request.  Unfortunately, the company that has been printing our materials free in the past was acquired and can no longer provide this service.  Might your company be able to help?  Not sure if this is an option at your company? Ask the benefits department or print shop.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, as printing is expensive and the more we can do to reduce costs the more money goes back into the classroom.  Contact Courtney Ruppert [email protected] with any questions or if you can suggest a new printing partner.
