


Golden Bear Bash Call for Volunteers

2016 UAEF Golden Bear Bash volunteers
The Upper Arlington Education Foundation’s Golden Bear Bash needs volunteers. This year the Bash will be held on Sunday, September 4th at Tremont Center.

UAEF enables the funding of programs and materials that are beyond the scope of the budget of the Upper Arlington Board of Education, and helps contribute to the enrichment of the academic, extracurricular and athletic lives of our students.

As a volunteer, you will need to purchase a ticket to the Bash ($50) and work for one hour during the Bash selling raffle and drink tickets, helping with the Bear Fair or Wine Pull. If you have not been able to attend a Bash yet- it is a huge party (1,250 people!), a lot of fun and a great fundraiser that enables programs and activities that enhance our kids’ experience at the UA Schools!

If you are interested, please click on the link to sign up. Signupgenius.com Thank you.
