


Happy February

Happy February!

I can’t believe we have a little over 16 weeks left of school!!! This year has gone by quickly and what a fun year it has been, especially for the JMS PTO. We have had a successful year and I want to take this opportunity to share our successes with all of you. We wouldn’t be able to support our students and the Jones community if it wasn’t for every family ~ Thank you!

This year we supported several mini grants and programs: Veterans Day luncheon, purchased 5 student Technology Response Systems, supported the “Mindful Mondays” Program, Author visit by Margaret Petersen Haddix, 7th grade student project with Elderly Care Facility Residents, supported a rewards program for the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support Program, Artists in School visit – New A Capella Group, No Promises, and many other programs and events that PTO supports each year.

We are excited to share our biggest accomplishment this year, our $20,000 donation toward the purchase of new furniture for the Learning Center. This new furniture will provide new collaborative learning spaces for all of our students and staff!! The children have been instrumental in the selection phase ~ we have had mock-up models setup these past few weeks for them to trial. We have had a lot of good feedback from the students!!!

Lastly, we are beginning the process of building our 2016-17 PTO Board Slate. We have many positions, some that have been held by the same parent for the 3 years their child or children have been at Jones. As they move on, this allows new parents to join the JMS PTO team! We are sharing the slate and the positions that remain open and encourage everyone to consider joining the JMS PTO. If you have any questions about the positions, please don’t hesitate contacting me at [email protected] or our President Elect, Carmen Gray at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

We thank you for your generosity and dedication!!

Aimee White

