


WELLNESS: Winter Guidance Groups

children_at_playThe start of the New Year means that it is time to start our winter lunch Guidance Groups.  Through Felice Kassoy’s years of experience offering these opportunities (and supported by the research literature), she knows that there are positive outcomes for children with common life experiences to find support in a group experience.

A list and brief description of each of the groups we are offering this fall can be found below. At the end of this letter is a permission slip to consent for your student’s participation in any of these groups.

Fun with Friends (continued):

This group is designed for children who participated in the fall “Fun with Friends” with Ms. Andrews and just need some authentic experiences to practice their “friendship skills.”


Friends and Friendships:

This is a new group designed for students who need more time to build their “friendship skills!” “Friends and Friendships” will be led by Sarah Shifflet, from Syntero Counseling. (Syntero is partnering with the Upper Arlington Schools this year to support the health and well-being of our children).


Worry-Wise Kids:

Sarah Shifflet will also lead this group. The intent of this lunch group is to provide additional support for those children who participated in Mr. O’s Worry Warriors and for any students who need additional “tools” for taking control of their worries.


Family Ties:

This group provides an opportunity for children who have joined their families through adoption to share their experiences and learn from each other through activities, and stories.


Food Allergies:

This lunch group is for children who have food allergies. The participants find support within the group to talk about some of the challenges they have faced and discuss ways to help their peers understand and support them.


Courageous Conversations:

This group is a welcoming space for 4th and 5th grade students to come together and have discussions about how to recognize and respect diversity within themselves and within others. This group will be led by J.P. Oehrtman and my intern from OSU, Molly Ryan.



A lunch group for 4th and 5th grade boys where topics discussed will include making positive choices, valuing different roles such as being a leader, and planning for middle/high school and growing up. This group will led by J.P. Oehrtman.

Fill out my online form.

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As always, if you have any questions about these groups, please contact Dr. Felice Kassoy at 614-487-5150 of [email protected]

  • Felice Kassoy, Counselor
  • J.P. Oehrtman, Counselor
  • Molly Ryan, Intern
  • Yahyahan Aras, Intern

Please submit or return the permission slip below to Dr. Kassoy or the classroom teacher by 1/15/16
