


Wickliffe School Directory Update

Wickliffe PTO now has access to some student information supplied by Upper Arlington Schools, but the Wickliffe PTO does not have access to the teacher’s information.  So we can provide this information to you, please fill out this form:

Fill out my online form.

var z1p2k77m1wr24ob;(function(d, t) {
var s = d.createElement(t), options = {
‘userName’ : ‘cwsclients’,
‘formHash’ : ‘z1p2k77m1wr24ob’,
‘autoResize’ : true,
‘height’ : ‘403’,
‘async’ : true,
‘header’ : ‘show’,
‘host’ : ‘wufoo.com’,
‘entSource’ : ‘wordpress’,
‘defaultValues’ : ”
,’ssl’ : true };
s.src = (‘https:’ == d.location.protocol ? ‘https://’ : ‘http://’) + ‘wufoo.com/scripts/embed/form.js’;
s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function() {
var rs = this.readyState; if (rs) if (rs != ‘complete’) if (rs != ‘loaded’) return;
try { z1p2k77m1wr24ob = new WufooForm();z1p2k77m1wr24ob.initialize(options);z1p2k77m1wr24ob.display(); } catch (e) {}}
var scr = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0], par = scr.parentNode; par.insertBefore(s, scr);
})(document, ‘script’); Fill out my Wufoo form!

We hope to have the directory published by the PTO meeting in October.


Directory Advertising

Do you have a business?  Consider purchasing an ad in the 2015-16 Student Directory. Ad support for the directory allows the PTO to continue funding programing for our kids! Prices start at $35 for a 1/4 page ad. Contact Karolyn Braum at [email protected] for info.


PTO Meeting

The General Wickliffe PTO meeting ahas been schedule for October 13, 2015 (this is different that previous announcements).  Please join us in the Wickliffe Gym for a fun and informative night.

