


QUICK NEWS: PTO Meeting, Bookmark Sale, Cardboard, KidStuff Books

Fall PTO Meeting – October 13 at 7 pm

Come join us on October 13 at 7 pm in the Wickliffe Gym for our first General PTO Meeting of the school year!  Kathy Jenney, from the school district, will speak to us about class sizes at elementary schools across the district. There will be updates on the interior design upgrades at the school and the Informal Affair. We will also hear from some of the leadership teams at Wickliffe about ways parents can become more involved and we will start to brainstorm and develop plans for an Outdoor Learning Center. We may even have a fun recap from the Cardboard Challenge and a performance or two! This is an evening you will not want to miss! We look forward to seeing you there!

ALS Fundraiser

Mrs Chung’s class [[email protected]] is having a bookmark sale for the ALS Association on Friday, September 25th.  Please help us a support a great cause (without ice).  They will be selling outside the back door during all the recesses.

Cardboard Challenge – Volunteers Needed

cardboard wickliffeMark your calendars for Saturday, October 10th for a morning full of creativity, play, and fun to honor and be inspired by Caine’s spirit.  This is a FREE FAMILY EVENT!

Thanks for all the cardboard donations for the Cardboard Challenge.  Please keep it coming and put the cardboard up against the wall in the main lobby.  Custodians will move it from there to the shed for storage.  (We’re running out of room!! – Thank you!)

Sign Up Now!

We need volunteers of all ages (and maturity levels).  It would be extremely helpful to have parent volunteers who can:

  • assist with set up (8:00am)
  • walk around the event to give kids a hand and be available with box cutters (8:30-10:30 and 10:00-noon shifts)
  • document the event including photography, videography, interviewing kids, just listening and writing down observations and what kids have to say ( 8:30-10:30 and 10:00-noon shifts)
  • tear down (12-12:30)

This is a great opportunity for high schoolers to earn some volunteer hours as well.  Extra hands are welcome!  Please visit the Wickliffe Cardboard Challenge Sign Up Genius and grab a shift that works for you and your family.

KidStuff Coupon Books: Last Call!

15-16-KidStuffCouponBookLogo-WebLast call to send in your coupon books or payment envelopes [or pay on our website]! We want to get our out-of-town orders in tomorrow and all the unsold books shipped out ASAP. Please send them in by TODAY (Tuesday September 22nd)! Thank you to all the families who supported this fundraiser and to those that remembered to send their books in.  If you have any questions or concerns please email Dana Grimes at [email protected].
