


Fundraiser: KidStuff Coupon Book

imageYou kids will soon be being home the 2016 KidStuff Coupon Book their backpack.  If you have not yet seen it, check those backpacks!  This is a great school fundraiser that Wicklliffe PTO started last year.  For every book we sell, we get 1/2 or more – that’s $12.50 or more per book. Check out the profit bonus numbers here: MORE INFO

We have over 500 kids enrolled at Wickliffe. If every kid sells one book, we will make arounf $6,000 for the Wickliffe PTO to fund field trips, festivals, classroom projects, playground improvements, and all kinds of cool stuff.  Books should be sold or returned to teacher by Tuesday, September 8th.

You can pay for your KidStuff books via our on-line store this year or fill out this KidStuff Order Form and send a check back to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for your support!

Dana Grimes
Fundraising Chair

The more books we sell the higher the percentage back:

  • 494 books sold = $6,175 (one book per kid @ $12.50/book)
  • 988 books sold = $13,338 (2 books per kid @ $13.50/book)
  • 1,482 books sold = $21,489 (3 books per kid @ $14.50/book)

Take them with you to your sports games/practices and pass them around to parents. There are 22 editions in numerous cities/states, so if you have out of town relatives they’re a great gift. You can see all the editions available inside the front cover. Post on Facebook and Twitter. This book has some great deals. If you can find $25 worth of coupons you KNOW you’ll use, even if the rest don’t interest you, buy the book, make your money back, and give the rest away to a co-worker, friend or relative. Share the love!

Thank you for your support!

Dana Grimes
Fundraising Chair

PS: If some of your family doesn’t live in Columbus, you can order Coupon Books from other cities.  Click here to see samples of all editions:  http://mykscb.com/kidstuff-coupon-book-editions/

