


Team Iron Aiden Fundraiser

The HMS Service Club is conducting a fundraiser December 8 -12 for Team Iron Aiden. This organization provides toys for children who have to spend the holidays at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. The events are as follows: Monday: donate at least $1 in enrichment to listen to music or play a game. Tuesday: donate at least $1 in first period to wear a hat all day; candy cane sales (.50) after school in the commons. Wednesday: candy cane sales in the commons before and after school (.50). Thursday: candy cane sales in the commons before and after school (.50). Friday: candy cane sales in the commons before and after school. All week: Donate at lunch to vote for your choice of teacher to get a PIE IN THE FACE! If we meet our goal of $500, the teacher with the most donations will get a pie in the face! With your donation, you can enter the raffle for a chance to be the PIE THROWER! Donate in enrichment as well because the enrichment with the most donations wins a PIZZA PARTY!
